Coming up for the last month of Winter are Melbourne based Stefan Gevers and South Coast artist Jo Victoria.
Gevers and Victoria have been paired for previous exhibitions here at Suki & Hugh. Their works sits harmoniously together and we have high hopes that the upcoming exhibition will not disappoint.
Gevers is well known for his large scale watercolours; his expert handling of the medium and texturising of the beautiful watercolour paper he chooses. He has successfully run workshops demonstrating the techniques he has mastered over many years.
This exhibition will also include works in acrylic on canvas that similarly feature his trademark layers of light wash and rich colour stories.
Jo Victoria is known for her lightness of touch and works with porcelain. The layering and texture she achieves derives from nature with imprints from snake skin, stone and sea creatures found in the work.
In this exhibition she includes limited amounts of colour glaze. The works are delicate, translucent and organic in shape as though they might be found directly on the coastal fringe.
Opening reception 3-5pm Saturday 30 July. The exhibition runs until 4 September. Request a catalogue here